We request that you include the following section in your website's privacy policy to account for your usage of Gobot on your website or web application.
Always review changes to your sites terms & privacy policy with your lawyers.
Use of Gobot Services: You may interact with a chatbot while using our site or application, which we rely on as a medium for communications with you. We use a chatbot company called Gobot LLC (“Gobot”) to implement this chatbot. We may provide a limited amount of your information (such as your name, email address and sign-up date if you are signed up for our product or service) to Gobot to facilitate our communications with you, improve our service to you, and better understand your use of our service or product. We may also use Gobot to collect data for analytics purposes when you visit our website or use our product or interact with our chatbot. Gobot uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on users’ behavior and their devices. For more information on the privacy practices of Gobot and the data that Gobot collects, please click here and see Section 14. Gobot’s services are governed by Gobot’s terms and conditions of use which can be found here. If you would like to opt out of having this information collected by Gobot click here. Note that Gobot has certified compliance with the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries.
This website is not intended to provide legal advice. You should not rely on this website for such, nor as a recommendation as to a particular legal understanding. Our goal is to provide background information to help you understand how Gobot has addressed some important legal points. This information is not the same as legal advice where a lawyer applies the law to your particular circumstance. Therefore, we suggest that you consult a lawyer to seek assistance in the interpretation of this information including its accuracy.
Copyright 2018, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.