If you have a credit card, you can use the Paypal checkout option without logging in to a Paypal account to complete your purchase.
After you have specified the method of delivery on the checkout page and clicked the ‘Continue to Payment button’, the following window will appear.
If you click the ‘Complete order button’ , the PayPal login window will appear. If you click ‘Pay with Debit or Credit Card’ at the bottom of the page, you will be able to pay for your order with your Credit card without having to sign into PayPal.
* In some countries, the PayPal policy may be different, and the button may not be visible and require you to create account.
If you select PayPal as your method of payment the following information will be required:
Below is a check box asking if you would like to save your information. This is located on the same page. If you would not like to create a PayPal account, please click ‘Pay Now’ without checking the checkbox.
* Depending on PayPal policy for each country, payments may not be possible without a login.
*If you would like to pay wit VISA or MASTERCARD, you have another option in Paymentwall.
Click the Paymenwall option, located under the Paypal option.
After doing do, click 'complete payment'
You will then be redirected to the payment server for Paymentwall.
There, you can fill in your credit card information and submit payment.