My lenses move around a lot

*** Please do not dispose of products such as contact lenses and blister labels until the problem is solved by COLORCL. 

*Please proceed with the process below if there is no noticeable defect on the surface on the lens. If the lens has defect that you can see with naked eyes, please check the other Article, 'The lenses I received were ripped/scratched/dried.'

There can be many reasons why the lens moves too much in the eye. There are some solutions, so check the reasons below and try the correct solution.

Flipped lens
If the lens is incorrectly flipped, the lens will continue to move without being positioned correctly in the eye. When you wear the flipped lens, it will move up along your eyelids every time you blink. This will continue, and in serious cases, the lens may travel with the eyelids and then slip into the back of the eyeball. If the lens stays in this position for an extended period of time, it can dry out and cause eye injuries. If this happens, put a few drops of solution and blink so that the lens can slide back forward. If you can't get it out, you should go see a doctor right away.
For information on how to distinguish the correct side of the lenses, please check the link below.  

Related Article
How to wear/removing/cleaning the contact lenses?
How to distinguish if lens is flipped?

Wrong sizes
The base curve and diameter are usually used to indicate the size of the lens. If this value is too small or too large, the lens may continue to move without being positioned in the eye. For further details, please refer to the link below.

Related Article
What is Base curve and Diameter?

If something like this happens, please contact us via our Contact-Us page with heading 'Product Issue', with answers of the questions below. ColorCL will offer a replacement for one time. Free re-shipment is only possible with the same shipping method as the original order. If the same problem occurs on replacement, ColorCL will refund the product in question. 

◆ Questionnaire for Quick customer service (Product Issue-move around a lot)

  • When did you start wearing contact lenses?
  • How often do you wear contact lenses?
  • What defects are there in the product?
  • Before contacting us, what have you tried to solve the problem?
  • Do you still have the label of defective product? If so, please attach the picture of the product and label.
    (It's okay if we can't check the defect with the picture. The picture you sent us will be used for future meetings with the factory to improve quality. Also, it's for our support staff to verify the product.)
  • If we are sure that the product is defective, we will refund or send a replacement. If we can take action, which do you prefer, a refund or a replacement?
    (If you choose a replacement, we will ship you the replacement as the fastest delivery option we can offer, along with a free gift. Replacement is available only one time and will be refunded if the same issue arise again for a replacement.)

Thank you so much. Our support staff will contact you during business hours.

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You might also find interest in these related articles:

  1. How to distinguish if lens is flipped?
  2. What is Base curve and Diameter?
  3. What is your Exchanges&Returns policy?